Email Address

[email protected]

Our Location

125 South 2nd Street, Unit 2 Bayshore, New York 11706

Dare to enter the Darkness
to bring another Into the light

Nonprofit intelligence firm committed to dismantling human trafficking. We provide actionable intelligence on traffickers to Law Enforcement while rendering holistic, trauma informed services to survivors.
Atlantic Counter Trafficking (ACT)

Committed to Combating Human Trafficking

ACT is a veteran-owned nonprofit intelligence firm dedicated to dismantling human trafficking networks. We empower Law Enforcement with actionable intelligence on traffickers, while also providing holistic, trauma-informed services to survivors. Our ultimate aim is to ensure justice for victims and fortify our communities against this heinous crime.


Give Light

We're in this together

We believe in collaboration. Way too many times have we seen organizations become territorial or not cooperative with others. We’ve been on the other side of that which is why we work with as many organizations as possible. We’ve worked alongside DHS, HSI, CBP, Suffolk County (NY), Zero Trafficking, Ukraine NGO Coordination Network, and The Woolf Group. To name a few.

Have trafficking information?

If you aren’t comfortable speaking with Law Enforcement, you can work with us! We are uniquely qualified and specially trained to report information on your behalf – while maintaining your anonymity for as long as possible. We will schedule a secure Zoom interview to see how to best fit your needs.

Disseminate intelligence

Our process is passive, low-risk, and low signature.

We leverage cutting edge Human Intelligence and Open Source Intelligence techniques to put products together that put human traffickers on Law Enforcement’s radar.

Mission Statement


DHS Blue Campaign defines human trafficking as “the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States.”

We work with human trafficking survivors to put their traffickers through the justice system, while minimizing the survivor’s interaction with Law Enforcement.

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Recent Products


Atlantic Counter Trafficking brings over 100 years of combined Law Enforcement and Military Special Operations experience – and now we’re applying those same skills to the anti-human trafficking movement.

Our team has made thousands of arrests, conducted counter terrorism operations overseas, and produced hundreds of intelligence reports over the course of their MIL/LE careers.

Our intelligence helps Law Enforcement achieve probable cause to initiate human trafficking investigations, evidence based prosecutions, and may provide key missing data necessary to make arrests.

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